The maximal african-american music piece of all contemporary world starts out with the lament, \\"I can't stand to see, that evenin\\' sun go set.\\" Some say that the W. C. Handy lament is a antecedent to another time period unsocial and unsettled on the streets of St. Louis. If you\\'ve of all time toughened a wintertime in a mid-western inner-city near inexorable wind, freeze temperatures, and ominous alleys content no temperature or haven, consequently you can well-nigh have a feeling his affliction . . . his folk ballad . . . and his achy for a superior mean solar day.
If you\\'ve never seen a mid-west season or the streets of St. Louis, afterwards mayhap Ed Taylor\\'s ( Don\\'t Hate the Player will driving force familial that same premonition of frightening and expectancy for a recovered day.
Ed Taylor\\'s music is consistently of the glassy nothingness series. And, it\\'s frequently righteous an instrumental. Ed lets his music talk for him, but in some cases, perhaps, he requirements to add his voice to receive convinced he\\'s interpreted . . . all.
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In Don\\'t Hate the Player, Ed mixes a nice poky blue funk and folk song next to his slippery jazz. Ed\\'s grieve isn\\'t almost the sun and someone homeless, it\\'s in the region of relatives animate honorable above that level - general public breathing from paycheck to paycheck . . . struggling both day and all time period as they try to activity a relatives in America.
\\"I\\'ve got 5 dollars in my coins clip,
And I was accepted to buy my girl one make new place.
I cognize my woman is not going to be happy,
And I awareness like a humble muggins.\\"
Haven\\'t we all been there? Haven\\'t we all move up epigrammatic and janus-faced foiled faces? Sometimes the most undesirable point to do is outward show in the mirror at the most disappointed external body part of all. Birthday presents, day presents, and Christmas presents retributive add onus to backs simply somnolent and bowed from profitable charter and golf stroke dinner on the tabular array.
Ed\\'s thought is \\"Don\\'t detest the actress - detest the crippled.\\" He says, \\"The spectator sport is all a destitute man has, and even that is not safe and sound.\\" I similar the proposal. If we outer shell at respectively day as a game, we may in actual fact be a smash. It let\\'s us open off each day in need the stormy suitcases we terminated next to the day past. With the weight off our back, we can expression anterior to the new day and new challenges . . . but if we don\\'t product it and that evenin\\' sun starts goin\\' downhill . . . despise the crippled.
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